
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Pinewood Derby

Payton had his first Pinewood Derby-- and boy did he have a blast!!
Dad and him worked on his "flame" car together. I helped paint it a red that took forever to dry and lost them an evening of working on it-- after that I refused to touch those complicated little suckers :)

Newborns always seem to throw a little kink into family life and so they were seriously painting and putting on the wheels and finishing it the evening right before the race. 
It needed a few modifications there at the track :)
{Payton always does this to me when I want to get a picture of him and exciting stuff is happening-- I get the ya ya I'm looking at you I'm smiling--not really-- now take the stupid picture so I can get back to this :) I think he learned it from his daddy} 
The boys all would get to put their cars on the track
 and than wait for them down at the end-- Payton won the first race and than got second and third in most the others-- Total for the night he scored third place- which he was pretty excited about!
 They also did some loopdee loops for the boys-- the first time through Payters car crashed at the very end 
but the second time it made it through. He was excited about that!
It was such a fun night-- he can't wait to do it again next year!

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