For the light fixture over our table I really wanted a huge lamp shade and after pricing them out I just couldn't find one that I was in love with- {and not to mention Dave isn't totally sold on the idea} so I wanted something that wouldn't kill the pocketbook if we decided we didn't like it later on.
So I went to and found this big shade for about $15 and the smaller ones I think I bought at Target or Lowes {honestly I can't remember it was that long ago now}
For the smaller shades I just bought 2 bronze pendants from lowes {they're going in our study over our desk}
For the big one {I looked and looked and looked and couldn't find anything for it cuz I wanted it to be bright and more than one light} than I found this at D.I. for $5
I know I know-- kinda scary right now-- but with a little paint and a bit of jimmy riggin- I think the light fixture will turn out great! {I'm at least excited about it! Dave still not so much - I think he thinks his wife has gone crazy- I keep telling him to trust me ( ya I really Really! hope it turns out ok )}
Anyhow back to the Lamp shades :) They were pretty boring and generic white
so I got some upholstery fabric- spray adhesive-- my trusty little glue gun and went to work.
First off I pulled off the trim that went around the shades {it was just glued so it was a breeze to get off}
Than I layed the shade on it's side and rolled and traced and than cut about an inch or more extra around the lines so I could roll the top over.
Than I got nervous and quit taking pictures cuz heck I had no idea what I was doing or if these things were gonna turn out {I tend to do that a lot with projects-- get halfway through and than panic :)-- I'm sure I can't be the only one that does that!}
But I ended up spraying the fabric and shade with adhesive and just rolled it on-- rolled and glued the top around the top of the shade and than used the trim I pulled off on the inside to cover the fabric and finish it off.
{I know kinda crappy pics of the finished shades-- but when we get them up I'll take better ones :) }
It went pretty fast and was actually kinda relaxing just gluing away while we watched T.V.-- {this was the night we discovered Duck Dynasty-- all I gotta say is we needed this show-- we've needed some good laughs lately! So funny!}
Anyhow I can't wait to get them up and see if they actually look OK or if I'm gonna have to eat my "trust me" words to Dave-- I sure hope not! :) I'll keep you posted on that!
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