
Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Calm before the Storm

 The Snow has melted. The ground has thawed. Spring is almost here.
Which means for us that it is almost time to build our home and it is gonna be crazy, crazy busy.

Today was Day one for us-- We had to take down and relocate half the fence that we put up 3yrs ago.
It was my than first fence putting up and it was now my first fence tearing down :)

Lucky for us we had Uncle Steve's and awesome Dad there to tell us {more like me} how to do these  darn country things.
I was the lucky sucker who got to take out all the staples, put staples in the new posts and unscrew all the bolts on the braces- It was very quiet nice repetitive work except for the fact that my hands are killing now.
 Did I mention that fencing really isn't my thing- 
That barbed stuff is sharp.
And it tends to be cold and windy and gotta wear them covey's kinda of a job everytime.
 No I don't think I'll become a professional fencer- 
My hands hurt, I'm chilled to the bone, and man was I pretty dang slow at it :) 

But Yay Yay happy dance were one step closer and it feels so much better to be doing something than to just be dreaming and planning-- I like it. :)

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