
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Anxiously awaiting....

The arrival of my new niece and nephew!
 They're either coming today or being forced to come tomorrow cuz' momma has gone far enough :)
isn't she so pretty?!-- even  9 mo.pregnant with twins!-- I tried to tell my brother he couldn't marry her cuz' I did not want to be the ugly duckling in the family but did he listen to me NO-- O-well, I guess I can handle it cuz' she is a pretty great sis in law to have.
Did I mention I'm so excited for them to come! Plus I get to take pictures of them it's gonna be GREAT! :)


  1. That's so exciting! She looks amazing too, I hope I look that good at that point lol.

  2. Congrats Auntie! Can't wait to see photos.

    She looks AMAZING!
