
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Our Early Christmas Present!

So we got to have an early fun Christmas Present this year! I had my Ultrasound apt. on the 21st and they are 99% sure that it's a ................


We are all really excited about it-- I'm excited cuz' Brynley and her can still play together but are far enough apart that I don't think they'll feel the need to compete with each other as they grow up. Payton was good about it too (he would always say whenever someone asked him what we were having before "that we didn't get to decided Jesus would just send us one" ). He was excited that he'll get to be the big older brother that will get to protect his little sisters--

Anyways we would love to hear some ideas for girl names-- I have a few but me and Dave have such a hard time agreeing on names that I need a big arsenal of ones I like cuz' he'll shoot down about 90% of them. So if you have any girl names you like leave them in the comments :)


  1. That's exciting! If we ever have a girl we are naming her Rachel.

  2. Oh, Congrats! My girls will be jealous...they wanted a baby sister-not another brother;) I love the name Gretchen too (it was a name we had before finding out we're having a boy) and the names Sydney and Reece. We struggle agreeing on names too. I have a whole bunch I love-and Joe hates most of them...who would have thought that they cared SO much!!

  3. Hm...we talked about Lila for Eden. We like Elodie, that's French. I liked Starlee when I was pregnant with Autumn, but Mark so wasn't biting, lol. What ever you choose, I'm sure it will be wonderful! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm SO excited for you guys! It's so much fun to see those little sweetlings playing together. They'll be awesome siblings. We love your family! Have an awesome Christmas!

  4. just so your aware it doesn't matter really...the age gap-- I still felt I was competing with Shauntae--- so prepare yourself-- -- and congrats again!

  5. Yea! Gotta love girls! I have had a lot of opportunities to pick girls names, but if I were to have a fifth I'd name her Ella :) Thanks for the camera advice, Santa did bring one, now I just have to learn how to use it out of manual mode!

  6. Congrats on your pregnancy!
    I recently found your blog as I was searching for crocheted hat patterns and found the hat you made for your daughter. I bookmarked your site because I loved all your creative ideas!
    My daughter's name is Taeya Brynn. We love it so I thought I'd throw it out there because I think it goes so well with Brynlyn. :)
